Career Development Centre

Further Study Service

  • Preparation Courses on Graduate Admission Tests

The courses aim at assisting students to prepare for graduate admission tests, including TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, and GMAT.

  • Tea with Professors

We invite professors from different faculties to meet with students in small groups over tea, giving students guidance and advice on further study matters.

  • Further Study Talks and Workshops

We invite representatives from top universities to provide students with admission information. In addition, workshops are organised to enhance the skills and competitiveness of students in their further study application, such as writing personal statement and resume.

  • Further Study Advising Service

We provide consultation services covering further study advice, resume and personal statement review to assist students in their further study preparation. Moreover, students can connect with alumni through the “Alumni Online” to learn from their personal experiences and advice on further study.

Career Service

  • Alumni Mentorship Scheme

The scheme provides students with opportunities to interact with and learn from alumni, thereby enhancing their career development.


  • Career Advising Service

Students may make appointments with us for advice on career planning and preparation, mock interviews, and resume writing.


  • Career Interest Assessment Workshops

The workshops aim at helping students better understand their occupational interests and personality traits through self-exploration activities and career interest assessments.


  • Career Training Workshops

These workshops aim at enhancing students’ skills in job hunting and increasing their competitiveness in career development. Topics include job-hunting skills, interview skills, the writing of resume and cover letter, etc.


  • Internship

Internships are arranged to assist students in obtaining practical experiences and skills related to their studies.

  • UM Student Job-hunting Platform

We liaise with employers and assist students in job searching. The UM Student Job Vacancy E-system is an electronic platform for such purposes. In addition, companies and organisations from various sectors are invited every year to participate in the Career and Internship Fair and to offer Recruitment Talks to provide students with a broader perspective of the job market as well as employment and internship opportunities.

Entrepreneurship Service

  • Entrepreneurship Competitions

The competitions aim at nurturing students’ entrepreneurial skills and promoting a culture of entrepreneurship on campus.

Psychological Counselling Centre 

  • Psychological Counselling

Professional and confidential psychological counselling service are provided, aiming at enhancing students’ personal growth, adjustment to university life and capability to cope with challenges. We also offer psychological wellness education to students to improve their psychological well-being.

  • Mental Health First Aid Standard Course    MHFA

This course is offered every year to train students to become Mental Health First Aiders so that they are equipped with the skills to provide instant assistance to their peers with emotional distress and make appropriate referral to professional help.

  • Psychological Awareness and Personal Enrichment Workshops

Various topics of workshops on psychological health and personal enrichment are organized to enhance students’ awareness on psychological health, such as Personality Dimensions, Interpersonal Relationships and Communication, Stress Management, Mindfulness, Improving Sleeping Quality etc.

Disability Support Services

We provide resources and accommodations to cater for the individual needs of students with documented permanent or temporary disabilities, giving them an equal opportunity to education, university life, and other services and activities at the University.